Inspiring Impactful Interactions for Humanity

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Our vision is to empower non-profit organizations through innovative connectivity solutions that can be used anywhere in any language to provide dignified services to the people they assist

Our Story

Our Story

Humanity Link was founded by Christopher Hoffman, who as a kid, already searched for solutions to the problems in his community. It was a search that never ended, and led to a long career in providing solutions to some of the most difficult situations in the world.

He started Humanity Link to address a key inefficiency within the non-profit sector — they are really good at delivering stuff, but when it comes to engaging with communities at scale, targeting specific vulnerabilities and being able to interact with each individual or household, the ask was too big.

With Humanity Link’s tools, each individual, each organization, and each digital engagement, represents a step forward in building a more connected and resilient world. Through this journey, we’ve not only built digital communication solutions but have also laid down the digital bridges that connect lives and foster hope.

We can’t help everybody. So what’s the best thing we can do? Design the tools to help as many people as possible.

Humanity Link Founder & CEO

Engaging Differently

Engaging Differently

Constructed around the conventional methods non-profits use, our tools have transformed interactions into a digital format to foster enduring and more effective engagement and service delivery. By reaching out to individuals on their phones and utilizing tools they are comfortable with, we aim to create a more impactful connection.

Our comprehensive services include alerts and information for early warning and security updates, needs assessments, surveys, training, and efficient service delivery through identity verification, cash and voucher distribution, fundraising support, and biometric validation.

Our Team

Humanity Link’s founding team, composed of passionate innovators and advocates, drives our mission for profound social impact. Their expertise and commitment to service guide our operations and strategic direction, addressing the needs of the underserved and inspiring a better future for all.

At Humanity Link, our distinguished advisory board of seasoned investors and non-profit industry experts provides vital guidance and strategic insight. Their diverse expertise ensures we stay true to our mission of creating impactful social change. Join us in appreciating their invaluable contributions.

Chris Hoffman

Founder & CEO

Diana Day

Senior Tech Officer

Nicholas Rutledge


Harriet Milsted

Solutions Architect

Seth Quigg

Solutions Architect

Wilbert Boneschansker

Financial Advisor

Erin Donovan

Systems Architect

Jonah Dolan

Marketing Advisor

Martijn Kruisman

Investor Advisor

Peter de Jong

Investor Advisor

Frits Kok

Investor Advisor

Wiljan Hoekstra

Investor Advisor

Partnership Principles

At Humanity Link, our principles of partnership are rooted in mutual respect, transparency, and shared goals. We engage with partners who are committed to collaborative success and who uphold similar values of integrity and accountability.

Non-Profit Only Approach

Humanity Link partners with non-profits, focusing on community-driven solutions for sustainable change. We prioritize transparency, accountability, and compassion to maximize impact and aim to build capacity, innovate, and achieve transformative improvements in communities.

Dignity and Protection

Humanity Link prioritizes the dignity and protection of individuals in their projects, ensuring actions respect and promote safety, privacy, and dignity of engaged communities. Our commitment to protection is fundamental, aiming for a positive social impact.

Do No Harm

Humanity Link follows ‘Do No Harm’ principles to prevent worsening community challenges. Prioritizing ethical considerations and well-being ensures the effectiveness of our social impact mission and is a key principle to all work and builds that we undertake.

Right To Refuse

Humanity Link upholds a strict right to refuse policy to reject projects or partnerships that conflict with our core values and mission. This ensures initiatives align with ethical practices and social impact, maintaining integrity and commitment to community well-being.